Injector Cleaning

Have you recently noticed a lack of performance and poor fuel economy? Sounds like you need to bring your car into MS Autos in Reading, for a fuel injector clean.

Our team of expert technicians will remove all the built-up sediment and dirt from the injectors allowing the optimum amount of fuel through into the engine. After this, you’ll be amazed at the difference in the performance of your car and at the amount of money you save on fuel. The technology that we use is pretty quick so you won’t have to leave your car with us for long to reap the benefits of fuel injector cleaning.

An independent garage in Reading specialising in VAG vehicles, but working on all makes and models, MS Autos provide quality repair and maintenance services for all standard and hybrid makes and models of car and light commercial vehicle, working to the same high standard you’d expect from the main dealers but at considerably lower prices.

To find out more about Injector Cleaning in Reading, contact us online or call us directly on 0118 327 7001

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Our Location

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Unit 3
17 Boulton Road
0118 327 7001

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Opening Times

Monday 09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 19:00
Thursday 09:00 - 19:00
Friday 09:00 - 19:00
Saturday By Appointment
Sunday Closed

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